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Run, Ntando, Run

Writer's picture: NtandoNtando

So this week its gonna be an outside story. Hope you enjoy

Look, I'm just gonna put it like this. My friends and I weren't the smoothest brothers around when it came to getting the ladies. But this was back in first year. Of late, we haven't been too bad, you know. You live and you learn. With that being said, let's begin.

It's 2016 and I'm a first year at Wits. After O-Week I was vibing with this hun from Sunnyside (or should I say, I thought I was). So, it comes time for our second res party and obviously I invite her and her friends to come through. They seemed keen for it and the night was looking promising. So, they come through to the party and we link up and just have fun. Drinks, dancing and all that fun stuff. Now the whole night I was tryna get with this hun from Sunnyside - but she was not feeling it. At the time I just thought she was playing hard to get or tryna take things slow. Not picking up on signs like her refusing, point blank, to go and talk alone with me somewhere quiet or as soon as I started tryna dance one-on-one and get handsy, hun would immediately shut that shit down.

Anyway, the night is approaching it's end and people are starting to head off to their respective after parties and we already knew which after party we were going to (S/O P215 - only real ones know). Anyway, I suggest the after party to the squad, all of them seem pretty keen for it, except her. Despite promising her the best night of her young adult life she seems min [min def: not with the shits]. So, feeling completely defeated, I hug her and say goodnight (eish, chest pains). The night isn't yet over, and this is really where the story begins.

So, my crush is on her way home. And now I'm chilling with her squad and we’re heading to the after party. To get to the after party we have to pass by my room. I'm walking at the back of the group and talking with one of her homies, a pyt [pyt def: pretty young thing] and she's seems weirdly excited for the after party. So, we walking up the stairs and pass my room, I see my boy in the corridor and go dab him up then head off to the bathroom to quickly relieve myself. As I'm unzipping my pants, I hear a deep yet feminine voice behind me, "so I'm just gonna chill with you tonight, is that cool?"... It's the pyt (just btw, this hun was beautiful but had the deepest voice for a female I'd ever heard, deeper than mine at the time even). I'm confused as to why this is happening, I’m still tryna figure out what she's doing in the male bathroom and why she couldn't just wait for me to finish up before telling me this. I tell her it's cool, but I need to go to my room quick and change out of my jeans (they'd been messed earlier on) ... she cracks a smile... I reciprocate but I'm still confused at the whole situation - clueless as to what she's tryna do.

** so just nje, in case you guys didn't know. A woman will never tell you if she's into you or if she wants to hook up. Never. You will die and come back to life, thrice, before she tells you such things **

So we leave and head to my room. I open my door and go to my closet to change. She sits on my bed. I change then go sit next to her. Hun then tells me she's tired and really just wants to chill here with me for the rest of the night (hmmm, odd right). My dumbass tries to convince her to go up to the party (not knowing I've already won and the actual after party's in my room). Out of "nowhere" she kisses me and we engage in some pretty intense making out. All of a sudden, I find a soft, supple titty in my hand (this is the first titty I've ever had in my hands, it's good times). I play it cool and gently caress it, after some time I start sucking on it (I'd seen this from a few videos I'd done some research on). Before things could escalate though, my roommate barged in with another hun. The huns are from the same squad and stare at each other in confusion. Its tense for some reason now... a few head tilts and eye twitches later, the pyt suggests we go to the after party (huns had a whole convo without saying a single word)

We get there and I'm thrown into aux duties (obviously). And I completely mize this hun. After a few hours, I finished off my set and sat on the bed. Next thing, the huns next to me. It really doesn't take too long before we pick up where we left off, things even heat up. Somebody's daughter had their titties in my mouth, bare in mind we were amongst people. At that moment I think, "wait dude, this is wrong. What if [insert crushes name] finds out about this and I don't get my chance with her ever again."... I push the pyt off and start running, out the door, down the stairs, take a left and find myself at Ngcebz door. I don't knock and barge into the boys room interrupting sexy time with his girl, but this doesn't matter, what I'm going through is much more important. "Nigger, what are you doing?"

I think explaining the whole situation to this guy was the worst thing to happen that night. I swear that nigga and his hun laughed at me for about 27 minutes straight. Still, I didn't care. I was convinced I could still bag my crush and I'd done the right thing.

... So I didn't get my crush, I fumbled the bag with the pyt and Mrs Palmer and I became pretty good friend's [use urban dictionary to find out the meaning of Mrs Palmer]. I'll never forget that night. It was a night of L's and missed opportunities. But as I said, we live and we learn, right?




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