So, before we start a quick background is necessary... so I went to a certain boy’s school in Pietermaritzburg, down the road from the infamous PMB Girls High. Anyone who knows me knows I was, and still am, a home body at heart. Every Saturday after 1st team games I'd go home and watch football mostly. That was pretty much my life.
As you have figured out, my interaction with the opposite sex was limited, I was friends with a few, but ultimately it was limited sadly (get your laughs through people... done?).
So, when I get to varsity I was, for lack of better words, inexperienced... in a couple of ways. During O-week our res tries their best to get us to hook up with women.They force us to partake in activities with the female reses. Shame I have to say they try their best to hook us up. There's even a night in which we meet up with our ''sister res'' and get married to the young women there (no wonder we're all commitment phobes). Its pretty harsh too since the women choose us based on looks(and I can only be described as average at best, especially at that time)
So this is where the story starts. I get married to this lovely young lady.. Let’s call her Vanessa. I thought she was very cool, and she was quite a bit older than me (I think 20 and I was still 18 at the time). We hit it off... I tried to be as smooth as possible (I really wasn't though) and we started talking over the phone. Fresher's(our final O-week party) is coming so I tried my best to get her to come, hoping I'd get lucky (at the time this was just a kiss really, I was innocent). And she says she's going(whoooopppeeee)
So, we meet up and its cool. We dance, we drink(well she does, she was having Vodka straight in those glass jar things... crazy right?), we banter. I'm not with my friends most of the night. At the end, we meet up with my them (didn't get that kiss sadly) and the night seems to be over. She then says, “I heard there was an after party at your res”. At this moment she is giving me the eyes and I AM OBLIVIOUS. I'm like “nah I didn't hear anything like that”. She insists again that there is one... and we can go there to check. At that time, I don't want to disappoint her with no party and I'm like nope there's no party and she should go home (hmmm I know). So, we go our separate ways and I go home. When I get to res, its quiet and there's no party. I smile at myself proudly for not bringing the girl over for no reason and go to bed.
....To this day I'll never know if she was trying something or she believed there was an after party here, but I will never forgive myself for that one.... I truly fumbled that one.
Shout out Vanessa
PS the story carries on so be on the look out for part 2 of fumbling the bag