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The Killing of a Sacred Deer

Writer's picture: NgceboNgcebo

The resident film nerd, Ngcebo, is back this week. Geek out along with him as he discusses a film by Yorgos Lanthimo.


You know when you meet a new director and fall in love with everything they make…well that’s me and Yorgos Lanthimo. This genius is the guy who made the “Lobster” which I wrote about earlier and “The Favourite” which did quite well at the Oscars. And I'm surprised “This Beauty” didn't get the same audience. Its stars Colin Farrell as a doctor who is quite friendly with a random kid. It just happens that kid is the father of one of his former patients who died on his operating table. Yep… this doesn't end well. In one of the most chilling and creepy performances you'll ever see, Barry Keoghan is supremely sublime. He acts as the kid and god dammit it makes me truly happy I'm just a dentist and not studying medicine. The chilling performance, the score and the plot culminate into one of the most thrilling movies you’ve seen with an ending that leaves you in awe. And of course it has your Yorgos tropes of matter of fact dialogue and obscure looks into societal relationships. Please go watch it


Yep that happened. Pleasure for plugging you if you only watched it cause of me

That kid was bat shit crazy. And a genius but bat shit crazy. The choice of killing one of the family members was genius in my eyes. He really did want him to feel pain but damn. Like that? When the family was trying to get his attention… that was truly messed up. They all didn't even care about the others in the end… just wanted to save their own skin. When the wife was offering herself so she could survive… I realized in her shoes I'd most likely do the same thing. Speaking of…. Who the heck has sex like that? Like all she does is lie down and act dead… where's the fun in that? Might as well be fucking one of those sex robots from last year. I think it’s like a form of necrophilia or the starting phases… I don't know I can't judge though cause I also have my own shit (ask no questions tell no lies) His choice at the end was the right one though… to make it a random choice instead of choosing. He realised it would be the most fair and would decrease his heartache (although not much) I honestly feel I would have done the same if I was in his position.

Okay the movie isn't perfect, but it’s beautiful to watch. I really enjoyed the cinematography of it all. From the girl singing (although not well) when she disappears with the guy, to the wide angle camera use when the boy is crawling down the elevator. It is a cold-hearted look at a very difficult conundrum that would be difficult on any person. The tone of delivery in the movie which I realised was similar to that of “The Lobster” was cold… but if you listen to what was being said shouldn't matter. It could be one of those things the director wanted to put in to match his vision and I feel like it works. Some don't but it’s a matter of opinion. BARRY FUCKING KEOGHAN is sublime in this one. His lack of emotion is chilling. There is no remorse in any of his actions as he believes he is doing what’s right (nothing more dangerous really) the support from his mother probably doesn't help. Even after being captured he has no remorse. When the girl tries to seduce him, he doesn’t stray from his goal and stays on his path (a young king). As a villain I thought although the plot was the best part… his contribution is what made the movie great. It also helps that he has one of the creepiest faces out there.

Colin Farrell truly does thrive in these kinds of roles and his work with Yorgos has been sublime. His ability to channel the guy’s vision in his work is unmatched. I truly enjoyed this one.





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