Humans are, subsequently, badly built. While other animals are blessed with the ability to lose limbs and regenerate them, we on the other hand, can suffer from a paper cut for weeks, writhing in pain for days from what is basically a scratch. What makes it worse though, is that even from non-physical injuries, our bodies take their time in getting better. Bottom tier animals really.
Wolverine has been hit by an atomic bomb and walked away like it was nothing. Deadpool in the comics gets his head chopped off and regenerates a whole new body (don’t know why the body didn't grow a new head but that’s a different discussion) both these guys, emotionally though, haven't recovered from emotional anguish in their lives, and that’s the crazy part. Even with healing factors, their human parts are very, very useless at recovering.
Post breakup, we are usually faced with 2 options. The first option is the healthy but very shitty option of being by yourself and working through your deficiencies. Here you try figure out why it didn't work out. You also start learning how to be alone again and find out who you are without the other person. Personally, this option sucks. You'll find yourself alone thinking about your Voldemort (your ex, but we really don't wanna say their name, so we refer to all of them as Voldemort’s). After a while I guess its good cause you lose the bit of dependence one gets in a relationship. Thing is, those weeks/months when you weren't good, they were like the paper cut was being soaked in lemon juice.
Now the other option is the less healthy, but I have to say, more fun option. The one where you go on a reckless, uncompromising spree of encounters with anyone who is willing. The option your friend's always push you towards really. This one is fun, because I mean, sex is fun... but the only problem is, it doesn't really fix much. When you're alone, you still gonna go through the shit, we all go through, but here you'll just call someone to come waste time. And it just drags the shit further I think. Its like the guy who gets shot in a fight and carries on fighting needlessly, making his injury worse, until at the end we have internal haemorrhages and now you're in shock. But hey, when you're here for a good time not a long time right?
So, what’s the answer? The healthy option leaves you mentally prepared to get back into the world but leaves the social and interaction part lacking. Getting back into the world seems like a chore and you've become so comfortable in yourself that you end up not getting back into the world. And I'm not even meaning for dating. Just approaching a chick, you think is cool will have you thinking “yeah but I could be reading that book instead really”. The fun option leaves you ready to interact with the world, but you're gonna hurt someone. Like badly too. Cause emotionally you're not ready to be interacting with people on that level, and you gonna end up dribbling someone's daughter or son.
On the other hand, you could find someone who you fuck with who will help you heal mentally, this does happen, but now you are putting a lot strain on that person. Some of us already don't like asking for help, now imagine asking for help with baggage (could never be me).
So, what’s my answer to this dilemma? I'd say go for human experimentation with a mad scientist where they give you the super power to mentally recover from any mental trauma in a matter of seconds. Not an option for you? Well then, my friend… you're in for it. Cause your other options really do suck... this was not helpful at all now was it. You're welcome.