Rom coms these days aren't as plentyful as there were in the 90’s and 2000’s; when we had Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan falling in love on the radio station, we had Richard Gear falling in love with a prostitute (a true pioneer of the captain save a hoe decade) and Julia Roberts was just a girl, standing in front of a girl asking him to love her. Nowadays I really don't see as many rom coms as back then. I find myself even missing Adam Sandler’s “50 First Dates” and I really dislike Adam Sandler.
As you can see I'm a huge rom com fan (in a manly way) so I decided to mention a few modern rom coms and just romantic movies people would enjoy(in the 2010s) . I'll try not to spoil any for you. I will not be mentioning the irritating ones that rely on someone dying to prove their love or the shitty BDSM movies that are trending these days. God no!
PS they are not in any order, that would be giving myself heartache really.
1. That Awkward Moment: Yeah, we all knew this was coming and we all know you can't have a modern list without it. If you haven't seen it go punch yourself in the face. The modern and now very famous cast of this movie do a great job at showing the struggles faced by us in today’s relationship world. From being cheated on to falling for your friend... haven't we all been through this though?
2. The Big Sick: So this one isn't for everyone since I know a lot of people who actually didn't enjoy it... but fuck them. This movie is great. I mean sure it’s very similar to a certain Sandra Bullock rom com but the differences here matter. It shows cultural differences in the quest for love and the connection one can make with the people around your significant other to get a better understanding of them.
3. Crazy Stupid Love: It’s got Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling that should be enough to convince you. It didn’t? It has a great Steve Carrel performance. Still didn’t? Well ladies Ryan Gosling is shirtless at some point. God dammit just go watch this beautiful modern rom com about a player falling in love but his bad boy past catching up with him.
4. 2 Night Stand: So you meet a girl, she comes back home with you and you get busy... in the morning naturally she has to leave right? What if she can’t? Awkward right? Miles Teller gives quite the dope take on how he would react to this. Watch it.
5. Friends with Benefits: This is the movie that inspired a lot of boys to try and have relationships without commitments. At the time, to some of us this was a foreign concept but this movie gave a lot of boys hope. Great performances from Justin Timberlake and this is the movie that made a lot of boys fall for Mila Kunis. A modern-day classic in my eyes.
6. About last Night- The beauty in this one, is that it's super realistic. It shows the imperfections in relationships with a bit of humor. It even shows what happens after the honeymoon phase(which we barely ever see in rom coms). Its also got a not too over the top Kevin Hart performance. Watch it.
7. Scott Pilgram vs the World- So this is the most wacky rom com you will ever see. Imagine if you wanted to date a girl, you had to fight all her ex's to get her. And now imagine this with a crazy comic book style directing style that keeps you on your feet the whole time. A true Modern Classic.
8. Her- Last but probably the best out of all the modern movies. Its a great Sci-fi Romance that shows that the way society is going, we might even end up falling in love with our own computers(its like a girly version of Ex-Machina). The thing is the connection he makes is made to feel quite authentic. The emotion is there and the directing was beautiful. Truly the best Rom Com of the Decade.
So I’m not saying these are the best romantic movies of this decade but they damn might as well be. Special shout out to La la Land and sleeping with other People