Collab albums have been on the rise ever since watch the throne. And we have seen some great ones, and sadly some forgettable ones really. We all have our dream collab’s and today I'll be sharing some of mine. They'll be a few cases cross genre mixes that I think would mix well and a few very obvious ones.
You’ll see that there is no J Cole x Kendrick here. Yeah, I don't think that album would be as much fun as some of the other ones on this list. The similarities are too many and unless its Soundwave on the production, I'm not in the mood for another J Cole produced album. Thank you very much.
Another obvious one I will not be doing is SZA and Isaiah Rashad. These two have never had a bad collab and well it was just too easy wasn't it. Would be great though I won't lie. Also a Drake x Rihanna collab would sell a lot... and be great on the ear. Call these my, honourable mentions if you must
Pharrell Williams x Tame Impala
The NERD vocalist meets the indie band. And it would be glorious. Pharrell is one of the best producers out there and a creative who if mixed with Tame would produce something as beautiful as they've each ever done individually. The inclusion of the rest NERD in the recording sessions would be most welcome of course. The mix of the 2 similar but very different creative minds would be erotic to the ear to say the least. Pharrell would bring a groovier sound to something that already sounds like the work of angels.
Outkast x Gorilla
Okay this one is weird, but godamn it would sound beautiful. Andre 3000 humming and singing on a Gorilla track is a dream. Dungeon family working with Gorilla bassist and vocalist. What more can you ask for? Gorilla have a history working with rappers already, so it isn't a hard transition. Andre and Big Boi individually and together have worked with rock artists. They make great music. They are all very malleable in their crafts with the ability to cross genres like its cross dressing. The vocalists and MC'S on offer are next to none. Why the hell hasn't this happened already.
Kanye West x Daft punk
We've heard Stronger right? That song was beautiful. Now imagine a Kanye who has grown a bit more, experimented with more sound since then. Has a voice. And match this Kanye with one of the best electro/disco DJs ever and what do we get? Something some might describe as pornography for the ears. If you doubt this, imagine all of this with an old school gospel sample playing in the background... shivers.
Frank ocean x Steve lacy
Okay I don't really have a good enough reason for this one. Its 2 artists I enjoy listening to a lot. And I hope they sound good together. The differences in sound between the 2 would be very interesting, with a struggle occurring to see which would overpower the other on the album (5 tracks I hope). All I know is it would be an adventure to listen to it.
Isaiah Rashad x Mac Miller
This is a hurtful one to write... as we know it won't happen (RIP MAC) I'm just surprised it never happened when they were alive. With Macs affiliation to TDE. But creativity, easy going sound and nature, lyricism with humour, it would be an epic coming together. One that stans of both would love. Cause I feel all Isaiah fans are Mac fans. They both can match each others vibe, or go the opposite way, they can hop on beats produced by the others team very easily and the studio vibe would be fun. They are both troubled people and the introspective songs would he gut wrenching to say the least. A match heaven didn't allow to happen it seems.
If you have any matches you can think of, send them to me.