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Halfway Top 5

Writer's picture: NgceboNgcebo

We're six months through this torture machine we call 2019 and boy have your favourite artists been busy. As fans we have been spoilt for choice this year with great music coming out and some mediocre albums but for once I'll keep it positive and talk about my standout albums from the year so far. If you think there are albums I'm forgetting or I haven't heard, hit me up coz I love being plugged on music. Honourable mentions are Solange's “When I Get Home”, Hozier’s album and the Lucky Daye album; they were also very good I have to say.


From the former guitarist of Matt DeMarco we were brought this beautiful album that I honestly found by mistake. The vocals on this album are amazing if you're a fan of crooning. It is very instrument heavy and a great palate cleanser to all the stuff we play most of the time. Running at 33 minutes and being 13 tracks long, it doesn't try overdo anything and knows exactly what it is. Lyrically he can be found wanting in some songs, especially if you want something to relate to, but it does enough in all the other sections to be a memorable listen, one you will want to go back to over and over again.


Talk about a surprise. Another album I stumbled upon, this rap album is magnificently constructed. The production is clean and finished. The features on here don't let you down one bit. Sampha, Tom Misch and Jorja Smith are the stand out features on the album, but now let’s get to the man himself. Loyle fucking Carner. His British voice is so calming on these beats. He strays from the normal Grime and gives a mellow and controlled performance that’s poetic, heartfelt and melancholy. Lyrically, he doesn't do anything spectacular, you won't hear many double entendre and extended metaphors that will have you on genius trying to figure out what he was meaning but he has the ability to tell a story and deliver a message like a well versed poet. It’s the mark of a man who knows what they are good at and built an album around him that was perfect for his tone voce and skill.


There's nothing much I can say about this album that hasn't been said already. It runs like what I imagine an extended orgasm would feel like. From the start with Igor's Theme, we realise that this will he an adventure. Those that complain about the lack of rapping from Tyler need to go take a good wank and come back and listen to this masterpiece without the heavy load they carrying. The production on this album is next to none, the sequencing of the songs is perfect, and how they flow to the next song without a pause is something we don't always see these days on albums. The story about how he falls for the white guy then the guy ends up with some chick is heart-breaking, and you find yourself at the end screaming “are we still friends" with him. His singing might not be Frank Sinatra-esque but it works with the production perfectly.


This album from the 21 year old (I always feel so useless when people my age are doing such amazing things) is great. His follow up to his self titled demo from 2017 had been anticipated by his fans and he did not disappoint. On the base, he is still killing it. Vocally he doesn't let us down (except for the one time he tries to rap but I can't fault him for trying to pull a Frank Ocean on us). Although really good, the album isn't perfect, and falls short of his 2017 Demo tape which was great from start to finish. But it is really good and one I think with time will get better because of the kinda music it is. And can we just take time to appreciate “Amandla’s Interlude”... whoever was on the violin there deserves all the sex they are getting and more. DAMN


This is a bit of a cheat code really. Its two tracks, you can't really go wrong with a two track EP can you. BUT damn does he do a lot with those two tracks. After a very long sabbatical from making music, Jai Paul comes with a one-two punch that will have your toes curling and your eyes rolling (a lot of women won't get this joke). The mix of old school funk reminiscent of George Clinton and the funkadelics with vocals that are, well I already used the orgasm comparison haven't I, damn. If you loved “Awaken My Love”, this is for you as he takes that a level up I think with a pair of songs that will be on repeat the whole year.





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